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Topics related to HFSS, Maxwell, SIwave, Icepak, Electronics Enterprise and more.

I’m designing a dual stator synchronous generator. How can i fix this error?

    • sojoseph

      I'm designing a dual stator synchronous generator. How can i fix this error message?

    • Timos
      Ansys Employee

      Hello, to create a cross-section of a 3D object in ANSYS, you should use the Modeler > Surface > Section command. This command allows you to create cross sections of 3D objects on the XY, YZ, or XZ plane, resulting in 2D closed polyline objects. Here are the steps you should follow:

      1. Set the working coordinate system you want to use for the cross-section plane.
      2. Select the object from which you want to create a cross section.
      3. From the menu bar, click Modeler > Surface > Section.

      Make sure that the object you are trying to create a cross-section from is a 3D object, as the command is intended for this purpose. If you continue to experience issues, it may be beneficial to consult the ANSYS documentation or support for further assistance with the specific error message you are encountering.

    • sojoseph

      Thank you.

    • sojoseph

      I'm running a simulation on the same design and it keeps running for more than 42 hours. what could be the problem?

      • MirandaH
        Ansys Employee

        Hello, what is the current status of the simulation? Is it meshing or solving?

    • sojoseph

      Meshing. It takes forever to mesh.

    • sojoseph

      How possible can i reduce all this process and solving the system in one or two hours?

    • MirandaH
      Ansys Employee

      To speed up meshing in Maxwell transient simulation, you can consider the following techniques:

      1. Simplify the model where possible to reduce the complexity of the mesh. This can be done by hiding objects that are not essential for the simulation or by combining bodies into multibody parts even if they are not touching, as this will reduce the number of parts to be processed. 

      2. Use advanced mesh operations techniques to improve the mesh quality. For example, in areas where the mesh creates bad quality tetrahedra, you can apply specific mesh operations to refine the mesh and improve the element quality

      3. Optimize the initial mesh settings. For instance, in the General Tab of the Initial Mesh Settings, you can check TAU and move the slider one step to the right to potentially improve the meshing process 

    • sojoseph


      I’m designing the system with Ansys maxwell UDP, currrently i am having a zero torque. My question is how do i define my power so that i can have positive torque?


      • MirandaH
        Ansys Employee

        To define power in Maxwell for achieving positive torque, you should consider the correct setup for the geometry, the excitation, the boundry condition and the the mechanical transient setup. You can open up a RMxprt example, create a Maxwell model and use it as a reference.


    • sojoseph

      This is taking forever. How can i reduce these edges?

      • MirandaH
        Ansys Employee

        To reduce the edges in meshing:

        1. Simplify the model where possible to reduce the complexity of the mesh. 

        2. Use advanced mesh operations techniques to improve the mesh quality. 

        3. Optimize the initial mesh settings.

    • sojoseph

      I'm using this software for the first time and i can't reallly comprehend what you mean here?

      is there a pdf that explains what you're saying?

    • sojoseph

      How do I simplify my model?

    • sojoseph

      Can i share my model design?

      so that you can be able to guide me properly. 

      • MirandaH
        Ansys Employee

        Unfortunately, this question is beyond the scope for Ansys employees to answer on a public forum as it requires to verify the model. Ansys employees cannot access any attachments on the forum. We encourage other participants on the forum to help with your problem.

        If you have access to Ansys Service Requests, please raise a service request.

    • sojoseph

      Source setup error, possible reasons are 1) The solved region is not singly connected. If any circle in the solved region can not be freely shrunk to a point, then solved region is not regarded as singly connected. 2) The master and slave boundaries are separated. For this case, “Zero Tangential H Field?boundary condition need to be assigned on one boundary connecting master and slave boundaries.

      how can the above error be solved?

      • MirandaH
        Ansys Employee

        please check the region geometry and boundry conditions for the source setup error.

    • sojoseph

      I have been on this for five days checkng the boundry conditions. same error exist

    • sojoseph

      Is there a way whereby i can simulate my model to run in different RPMs (200-1200) to see the using optimetrics?

      I want to see the torque generated by running it with different RPMs. 

    • MirandaH
      Ansys Employee

      Yes, you can use a variable as the rotating speed in motion setup, and setup an optimtrics table.

    • sojoseph

      Thank you so much. I have done that but i have a negative torque instead of positive?

      what could be wrong and how can i fix it?

    • MirandaH
      Ansys Employee

      please check excitation: value and direction, motion: rotation direction and rotating axis.

    • sojoseph

      "Memory allocation error"

      how can i clear this error message? i currently use of laptop of 32G ram, 512G rom.

    • sojoseph

      I have three questions.

      1. How can i define the machine parameters in maxwell 3D such as apparent power, voltage and and the likes as defined using RMxprt?
      2. Apart from motion setup, how can i defined the speed of the machine whereby i can have different plots for different speed in maxwell 3D?
      3. How can i plot the machine efficiency?
    • sojoseph

      Calculation of Inductance and Resistance of a Coil

      I'm trying to calculate the inductance and the resistance of the whole winding. Is it possible to get this through magnetostatic solver or eddy current solver will give the P_Ohmic and I_peak. 

      how can i get the following aforementioned?

    • sojoseph

      back emf


      This is the design am trying to model with ansys maxwell 3D. However, i am not getting a good back emf voltage.

      what am i missing in this design?

      I need help please

    • sojoseph

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