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Hello, modeling Litz wire in ANSYS Maxwell for both 2D and 3D domains involves a specific approach since Litz wire is supported for windings in Maxwell 2D/3D Transient and 2D/3D Eddy Current designs. In Maxwell, you can specify the wire type, number of strands, and other parameters that define the shape of the Litz wire bundle [1].

For multi-strand wire configurations, such as round, rectangular, and square, Maxwell allows you to define the wire in the material properties with the number of strands and their exact size. The multi-strand bundles are modeled as a single object with eddy effects turned off. The software calculates losses due to magnetic and current density fields in both frequency and time domains [2].

[1] Title: Litz Wire Modeling, URL:
[2] Title: Using Litz Wire in Maxwell 2D and 3D Simulations, URL: