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Ohmic heater (joule heating) modelling

    • leopluke95

      At the moment, I'm modeling a joule heater, or continuous flow ohmic heater. The heating chamber has three titanium electrodes. The electrodes on the first and third positions are grounded. The middle electrode receives the voltage needed for joule heating. Salinity solution with an electrical conductivity of 0.5 S/m and an input velocity of.0526 kg/s at 293 K is the fluid passing through the heating chamber. Using Ansys Fluent, I have produced 3D models and meshes. I'm now working on the setup portion. Could you please assist me with finishing the setup section? I'm not sure how to set cell zone and boundaries conditions for simulation because I'm unfamiliar with it.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I assume you've read the User's Guide on the model? If you turn on the electric bit but NOT the chemistry most of the settings are then in the wall boundary condition panel. 

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