

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Optimization process in workbench with pyFluent

    • eliziofc

      I'm working in optimization combustion process in gas turbine. How can I open pyFluent (Workbench --> SpaceClaim -->  pyFluent) in this process instead of the standard Fluent (Workbench --> SpaceClaim -->  Fluent)?



    • Supreetha J
      Forum Moderator


      You can refer to our course Getting Started with PyFluent | Ansys Innovation Courses

      PyAnsys project is developed and supported through GitHub. You can post issues and request new features on the the Issues page for each package, or contact PyAnsys support. For more details, please refer to PyAnsys GitHub page: https://github.com/pyansys

      I hope this helps, Thank you.

    • eliziofc
      Good morning.
      Thanks for your reply, I will contact PyAnsys GitHub to get more information about my questions.
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