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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Ansys Fluent parametrization of geometry and inlet velocity

    • Saar Ben Noon

      Hello everyone,

      I have been stuck on the following problem for a while, I could use some help.

      I want to simulate the flow over a certain geometry while changing the pitch angle of this geometry and for every pitch angle i want to change the velocity of the inlet flow.

      In my geometry I took a solid from solidworks and made, using spaceclaim an enclosure around it, and supressed the object itself in order to simplify the simulation and simulate this with only fluid involved.

      Making the velocity as a parameter was not an issue: when opening the settings of the boundary conditions on the inlet I just clicked on create new parameter and i had the option of changing the velocity value in the parameter set in the workbench, by changing it added design points.

      The problem I encountered was when i wanted to make a parameter for the pitch angle. In order to change the pitch angle, for every change i would need to manualy enter the geometry, change the pitch of the supressed object and then update the enclosure. Making a parameter for the pitch angle of the supressed object wouldnt help me because the simulation itself didnt happen on the object but on the enclosure and chaing the objects orientation wouldnt update the enclosure automatically, even after updating the mesh and starting the solution.

      Another aproach I tried was duplicating the system (geometry and fluent workbench objects) and then just changing the geometry and updating the fluent objects mesh and all. The problem I encountered with this aproach was that on each duplication the design points would just receive new columns of more and more parameters, meaning that on every update it would update all the design points and I couldnt make a different parameter set with each duplication, making everything very not organized and time consuming.

      I would really appreciate you help please.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Have a look at the various NACA airfoil examples. There we typically alter the velocity as both speed and vector so no need to alter the geometry. You do need to exercise caution on the lift & drag coefficients and around the stall point but otherwise it's all done in Fluent. 

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