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How to export information from a specific plane in CFX-post?

    • 1613279a


      I'm trying to get some information from a specific surface in CFX-post. In this case, I need the mean velocity, u velocity, area of the plane, area of each cell and the coordinates of the center of each cell. How can I export it, either in an Excel file or .txt file?

      Here are the planes (made with User Surface) that I need the info:

      If you need more info feel free to ask. Thanks in advance!

    • CFD_Friend
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Rafael ,

      You can go to File > Export > Export...  , this will open the Export editor. Here choose the plane you want to export, choose the variables.

      For area of plane, you might have to create an expression, then create a scalar variable of the expression, and then export that variable. Cell centre coordinates are not available for export. 

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