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HFSS: Drawing Twisted Pair (of wires) around a Toroid

    • David Ryall

      Hi, I'm trying to draw a twisted pair (of wires) around a toroid to simulate a BALUN. I've used the command Draw>Helix to create a twisted pair but they only appear in a straight line. Is there any way to "Sweep Along Path" the twisted pair to follow a curved line ? I have run out of ideas how to accomplish this :-( Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks

    • jyjung


      I'm think you want a 3D design like the one below.



      1. design as under picture. (Select with Sheet + Line)

      2. All selection -> Edit -> Sweep -> Along Path...  ->  you need Fill at 'Angle of twist'
      Write down the number of twists you want. (360=1cycle)

      Thanks, How about?...

    • David Ryall

      Hi Juyoung, after 3 days and nights you solved my problem in 10 minutes :-). Thank you so much :-). I attach my final solution with equations that may be useful for others. Cheers

    • David Ryall




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