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Meshing thickness of the shell (Surface from Faces)

    • Farah

      Hi folks,

      I am performing a FEA analysis and creating a shell in Workbench (Surface from Faces). I assigned a 2mm thickness to my desired material to resist a certain pressure. I want to refine the mesh to something that looks like the yellow picture (mine is in pink), but ANSYS cannot refine the elements in the thickness. Do you have any other suggestions for successfully running this analysis?

      Alternatively, is there another way to create this wall from my solid geometry that is not a shell? I am using Extrude but not sure what should be my "Direction Vector" because i want the thickness to be assigned perpendicular to the 188 faces of my geometry but not sure what to choose so that ANSYS will assign the thickness perpendicular to each face

    • peteroznewman

      With just a surface model in geometry, bring that into Mechanical.

       Mesh the surface with shell elements, then insert a Mesh Edit for Pull (Extrude) to get 4 elements through the thickness.

      • Farah


        Hi Peter, thanks for your reply, but this was not working! :(

        My original geometry is in a rigid solid format, so I am trying to create a wall based on this geometry. That’s why I’ve been using “Surface from Faces.” When I open it in the model, it asks me to define the thickness, so now I have a shell (AKA the wall of my geometry)

        In this situation, I meshed this shell, which is why the mesh did not apply to my thickness (at least we know that ANSYS does not mesh the shell if I create it this way).

        Referring to what you said, I need to use Mesh Edit –> Pull (Extrude), I can’t use this option because it’s limited to selecting edges or faces of my geometry, which doesn’t create nothing in any scenario.


        I am eagerly looking forward to hearing back from you.


    • peteroznewman

      If you can share your geometry, please attach a link to your Workbench Archive (.wbpz) file so I can take a closer look. Note that this is a public forum so anyone will be able to download your model if you publish the link.

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