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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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ansys additive

    • n n


      what is the behavior law for materials used in ansys additive

    • John Doyle
      Ansys Employee

      It depends on the Additive Simulation method you choose.  The Thermo-Mechanical method simulates thermal cycling in a full thermal transient analysis, accounting for its effects on strain accumulation at each location within a part.  This method uses temperature dependent BISO metal plasticity material, to calculate accumulated plastic strain that develops under the thermal cycling during the build. 


      On the other hand, the inherent strain method, uses linear elastic material with a calibrated strain scaling factor (SSF), assuming an average, isotropic strain occurring at every location within a part, as it is being built.  The strain is assumed to be equal to the strain scaling factor multiplied by user defined yield strength and divided by elastic modulus.   With inherent strain, no thermal analysis is performed, and no plasticity is calculated.  It requires experimental calibration for specific process parameter settings.  This method is faster than the Thermo-Mechanical method.  It is useful as a first pass to investigate general trends in the AM Build Process. 

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