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enable Auto-write SCP File.

    • Rioui Hachim

      i can't enable the auto write scp file ,so i have probleme genrating the .scp file with .cas.h5 file,like shown in this photo

    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee

      To set up a coupled analysis in System Coupling's GUI or CLI, you must generate a System Coupling participant setup (.scp) file.

      You can write a .scp file at any time even if you have not specified any System Coupling information by selecting the Write SCP File... ribbon tab item to open the Select File dialog box.

      File → Export → System Coupling... → Write SCP File...

      Enter the name of the System Coupling participant setup file and click OK.

      You also have the option of automatically writing all available surface and volume information that could be used in a System Coupling run any time you write a case file.

      You can enable this at any time by selecting the Auto-write SCP File... ribbon tab item.

      File → Export → System Coupling... → Auto-write SCP File...

      On the dialog box that appears, select Auto-write SCP File with Case File and click OK.

      Afterwards, any time you write a case file, a .scp file will also be written.

      Please try again setting up the case from scratch.

      • Rioui Hachim

        sorry i didnt explain well ,i can't use the Auto-write SCP File and Write SCP File function on the fluent , i can't click the button so i can enable the function you can see that in the photo it like blurred.

        and thank you in advance

    • Rioui Hachim



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