Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation 3D Design Step file not opening in Ansys SpaceClaim Reply To: Step file not opening in Ansys SpaceClaim

Dimitri Goethals

Hi Charudatta,

My apologies for the inconvenience but we had a small break due to a bank holliday.

The step file was created with SolidWorks 2020.

This is the header data of the step file:

    '1' );
FILE_NAME ('YB-016-00182-0E.STEP',
    ( '' ),
    ( '' ),
    'SwSTEP 2.0',
    'SolidWorks 2020',
    '' );


There is no other file type available for the customer.

As mentioned if I load in my other available tools and export a parasolid it will load in Spaceclaim as parasolid.

The customer does not have this possibility and only gets the step file form his customer.

Loading the file form a network drive or local drive does not make a difference.

I can reproduce on my system as well. It might be that the file will load if you leave it there for a long time but this is not desirable.

I have uploaded the file in a transfer to Devendra Badgujar because he is handling another issue with corrupt data for me.

So if you need the file, please ask your colleague for it.

