Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna LS PrePost – Pulsatile Inlet Velocity Keyword error Reply To: LS PrePost – Pulsatile Inlet Velocity Keyword error


Hi Reno,

I ended up resloving the issue by using LS-Prepost on another server. I am not sure what excatly was causing the issue, but I replicated my steps in another server and it worked without getting any errors. However, I was missing a Point ID for selecting angular velocity within the ICFD_BOUNDRY_PRESCRIBED_VEL. 

To answer your question, before creating the POINT ID, When I ran the model in LS-RUN, it would run for a about 15 seconds then it would terminate. Once I looked into the message file, I notice the termnination was caused by a missing POINT ID. I have attatched my ICFD_MAT ID for your reference. 


Thank you for replying back to me.Â