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Calculating liquid phase property with UDRGM(User-Defined Real Gas Model)?

    • hsr200

      Dear all.

      I'm currently making UDRGM to input property of fluid from liquid to vapor phase.

      My UDRGM code structure is based on the Fluent manual (Ansys Fluent Customization Manual)

      When I use my code deal with vapor phase, it works well.

      But, when I input liquid phase condition, calculation results always went to divergence.

      To solve this problem, I checked my code, algorithm, and searched various forum and site.

      However, there were no problems in my code. And all forum that treat UDRGM subject were focuse on the vapor phsase and there were not enough information.

      So, to solve this problem, I want to know more information about UDRGM code.

      1. UDRGM code is only avaliable for calculating vapor-phase property? - is also can not calculate supercritical phase property?
      2. In UDRGM code, there are various functions such as enthalpy, partial derivative densiy...., are these functions also affecting calculating liquid or vapor phase property?
      3. In UDRGM, there were 'cxboolean vapor_phase' variable in each function. Is affect liquid property calculation?

      Plus, if someone who make UDRGM that can apply all the phase, I want to know your code development story or charactertic of your code.

      I'm really appreciate for all who read this post.

      Thank you.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      It's a gas model, I don't think there are any terms for phase change, or to tell the model about liquid properties. Have a look in here  https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/Secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v241/en/flu_ug/flu_ug_sec_real_gas.html

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