Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation 3D Design Spaceclaim API C# – Generate Midsurface Reply To: Spaceclaim API C# – Generate Midsurface

Devendra Badgujar
Forum Moderator

Hello Udeep, 

This is only exposed in the scripting API. If you would like this in C#, you will have to rework the logic of this. This might be possible to record using Script recorder in SpaceClaim as shown below:

options = MidsurfaceOptions()
options.Group = False

command = Midsurface(options)
command.AddMatchingFacePairs(FaceSelection.Create(Face1, Face2))
result = command.Execute()

or based on an ionterval

command.AddFacePairsByRange(Body1, MM(0.91), MM(1.6)

