Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna LS Dyna full deck restart Reply To: LS Dyna full deck restart

Ajay Vignesh Natarajan

Hello Reno,

Thank you for your response. I tried the small restart method, it worked and I have the deformations from first impact. In the original input file, I have included two impactors and defined initial velocities for both impactors using *INITIAL_VELOCITY_RIGID_BODY (as 0.0 for second impactor). I am using *CHANGE_VELOCITY_RIGID_BODY in the small restart deck to change velocity to the second impactor, but it does not work. I have also tried using *CHANGE_VELOCITY_GENERATION and still I could not get the second impactor to move. Please help me with this issue.

Thank you!