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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Projects & Partners Ansys Innovation Courses How can I apply the edit properties to the analysis results? Reply To: How can I apply the edit properties to the analysis results?

Gil Sharon
Ansys Employee

Hello Yonhoo,
There are multiple ways to set the Solder material for a part on a PCB.

The default solder for the whole PCB:

-----PCB name>Right click> Circuit Card Properties>Default solder Type

-----This solder is selected for Random Vibration, Mechanical Shock, Harmonic vibration…ETC

The solder for one part:

-----Edit the part in the parts list>Solder material

-----Changing this field from DEFAULT to any solder will over write the PCB solder selection for that individual part

-----For BGA components, the solder material is greyed out and the Ball Material can be selected. (There is no DEFAULT option for BGAs.)

Only for solder fatigue:

-----There is an override of the DEFAULT solder material

-----This applies only to parts that have DEFAULT solder in the part properties

-----Sherlock applies the Solder Material selected in the dropdown menu to any component in the Parts List that does not already have a Solder Material assigned in its Part Properties. This allows you to change the solder type for the entire circuit card, while also assigning specific solder types to individual parts, depending on how the circuit card is assembled.

-----This does not apply to BGA components

The Solder material for each component should appear in the results table after running the analysis.

I hope this helps,