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Fluent Calm Water Conditions for decay test

    • Murtala Musa

      I am trying to do a heave and roll decay test in calm sea conditions, how do I model the velocity inlet, pressure outlet, and walls boundary conditions for a calm sea state. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You could use open channel, or possibly even bound the domain with walls (pressure bc for the "sky") depending on how far the walls are from the object. 

      • Murtala Musa

        Thanks for the response Rob,

        1) In the case I use open channel flow as you suggested, the velocity magnitude at the inlet should be zero right? 

        2) How can I, then, create a report definition that plots roll and heave decay with time, Just as in the heave decay image below?
             My simulation is on a Spar cylinder hull seen in the image below, any suggestion will be appreciated. thanks!

        HEAVE DECAY Model setup

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Zero flow is fine. Note, the D in CFD is Dynamics so you may find converge (residuals) to be relatively poor - also review what the residuals represent. 

      Have a look at the surface reports for mesh; you may not have an easy angle report but min/max may be sufficient? Unless the UDF for 6DOF can return something? 

    • Murtala Musa

      "surface reports for mesh"
      Please can you elaborate, Is that how I can create reports plot for the roll and heave?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Have a look at the Report Definitions in the Fluent solver tree. They're used in most of the tutorials so you'll find examples there. 

      • Murtala Musa

        Hello rob, 

        "surface reports for mesh"
        Do you mean that, I should select "Mesh" from the Field Variable drop down, as seen in the image below,?

        report definitions

    • Murtala Musa

      Okay thanks, I'll have a look.

    • Murtala Musa

      Hello rob, 

      "surface reports for mesh"
      Do you mean that, I should select "Mesh" from the Field Variable drop down, as seen in the image below,?

      Surface report definition

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Try it and see if it's what you want/need. 

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