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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation 3D Design Coordinate system for beam section properties Reply To: Coordinate system for beam section properties

Devendra Badgujar
Forum Moderator


By default, the Section Anchor lies on the centroid of the profile. The Section Anchor is the point where the profile attaches to the beam path. You can change this in two ways.

  • Use the Orient Tool  tool in the Beams group of the Prepare tab


  • Select the beam and change the Section Anchor property


Select the location where the profile intersects with the path of the beam: Area Centroid, Shear Center, or Location. If you select Location, then you can enter the X and Y coordinates of the anchor location. You can then use the Orient tool to change the direction of a beam, rotate it around its section anchor, and offset it from its section anchor.

The orientation is according to the anchor location and values are calculated based on it. 

