

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

[Question] feature automatically adjust mass rate or temperature

    • Young Duk Lee

      Hello experts,

      I was wondering if Ansys or Fluent offers a feature that could automatically adjust the inlet mass rate to achieve a specified outlet temperature.

      Currently, I am analyzing an SOFC fuel cell with Fluent, and I am looking for a way to automatically adjust the inlet mass rate to ensure the outlet temperature reaches 700K.

      For example, I would like a feature where I set the desired outlet temperature to 700K, and then Fluent automatically calculates and adjusts the inlet mass rate, say to 2kg/s, to achieve the desired outlet temperature.

      I am inquiring whether there is any built-in feature that allows for this, excluding the use of UDFs (User-Defined Functions).

      If there is, please share me the link of like tutorial, video something like that

      Thank you for your assistance.

    • Young Duk Lee

      So, I want the graph of I-V curve by outlet temperature of air and h2. I am sure there is a such features in fluent or workbench.. plz let me know

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      There's not a tutorial, you might be able to use an Expression but I suspect a UDF is the best option. 

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