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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna sph Reply To: sph

Alex Rycman
Ansys Employee


I would like to know if I set up the shell wrapped beam unit, will the reinforcement still have the effect of bond slip? - Could you elaborate a little bit more about it? 

I will try the DEM below, will there be a significant difference between it and SPH? - DEM is implemented for calculations involving discrete spherical elements. It supports only spherical particles, each consisting of a single node with its mass, mass moment of inertia, and radius defined by the input. Initial coordinates and velocities are specified using the nodal data. While the SPH is a continous method developed to avoid the limitations of mesh tangling encountered in extreme deformation problems with the finite element method.

Please look at the examples: https://www.dynaexamples.com/sph and DEM: https://www.dynaexamples.com/dem
