Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Divergence detected during single particle deposition analysis Reply To: Divergence detected during single particle deposition analysis

Diego Fernando Garcia Gonzalez
Yes Rob, I take this consideration into account.
In the case of the elliptical cylinder (major axis a=0.1cm; Minor axis b=0.05cm and ρ=1.1g/cm3) the resulting mass is 0.000432 kg, the calculation runs normally until reaching a point where stabilization problems are generated and the case diverges.
When I carry out the case of oblate ellipsoids (3D), it has the same incidence, in this case the densities are similar to those described in 2D, but the mass values are much smaller, and this is where I present the greatest divergence problems. If I define mass values of the order of 0.1 to 1 g, these problems do not arise.