Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical V-bending problem using Transient Structural Reply To: V-bending problem using Transient Structural


Go back to using a Symmetry Plane and a Displacement BC on the Y axis (X = 0) in the Plane Strain analysis.

On the Mesh branch of the tree, for the row labelled Element Order, change it to Linear.  Then on the Element Size, change it to a number that is 1/3 of the current size, so you get 12 elements through the thickness and 3 times more elements along the length. That will help with the bending.

You might have to add a third step.  You need to have two separate Contacts, one for the Plate and Die and a separate one for the Punch and Plate. Set the End Time for Step 2 to be just before the Punch tries to separate from the Plate just before the convergence difficulty occurs. Then in Step 3, use Contact Step Control and Disable the Punch and Plate contact.  Use a large number of Initial and Minimum Substeps for all thee steps.

This discussion shows a working model: /forum/forums/topic/problem-with-flex-sheet/