

Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

STL model to IGES conversion and pre-processing

    • David Milosevic


      I am having issues with meshing during pre-processing my UAV's fuselage model for a crash simulation. Let's start from the begining... I have .stl files of parts for a winged UAV, in order to perform the simulation the mesh is needed to be reduced which is why I am using Meshmixer and Fusion 360 to export the model as a body in .IGES file type. The following steps gave me error: "One or more entities failed to mesh. The mesh of the bodies containing these entities may not be up-to-date. However, meshing might be successful on the other entities."

      Step 1: Importing the.stl and setting the reduce mesh

      STEP 2: Import the reduced mesh to Fusion 360 and Convert mesh to body (Parametric - Faceted option)

      STEP 3: Export the model to .iges

      STEP 4: Import the model in Ansys Discovery and connect the Geometry block to the Explycit Dynamics block

      STEP 5: Create Mesh

      My question would be, what could I do to actually mesh the specified part model. Thank you in advance

    • Aniket
      Forum Moderator

      You may want to cleanup the iges in the Discovery and see if that helps?


      Forum Rules & Guidelines

    • David Milosevic

      In Discovery in the Repair tab I used the Check Gometry to see possible errors and this came up:

      The repair all option just creates this icon and does not help:

      Do i have to try and fix all of these errors manually or is there a better option? Secondly, if I did do it manually what tools should I use?

      Thanks again

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