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convergence issues

    • omar ennaya

      Hello friends

      I've been spending a lot of time to deal with the problem of the convergence of the continuity.I changed the mesh.Hope someone can help.

      Something is weird in the beginning of the calculation the continuity is not converging however after that it converge like perfectly and even the problem of the reverse flow just disapear.see the following pictures.

      this is the mesh used.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Given the mesh I'm a little surprised it's running at all. Please review the meshing training to improve the mesh (note, cell good quality doesn't necessarily mean it's a good mesh) and use contours etc to see what is going on in the flow. A converged solution just means it's numerically correct, it doesn't necessarily mean it's right. 

    • omar ennaya

      Thank you for your reply

      Yeah this is confusing cuz i changed the mesh in order to get a good quality indicators.

      Where i can find the meshing training.is it disponible in google or youtube.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Learning generally, but looks like Ansys Meshing isn't covered as such. There are tutorials in the Help system, and there may be some tips in the Mechanical Getting Started as it's the same mesher. 

    • omar ennaya

      Okay thank you so much for your help.

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