LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

error in function SPvec_initSparse,

    • GongCheng Peng


      I'm having a problem while using the EM solver in LS Dyna.

                  error from spvec_initsparse(spvObject)  -2
                  error from spvec_initsparse(spvObject)  -2
                  error from spvec_initsparse(spvObject)  -2

      (error in function SPvec_initSparse, at line 158, in file ../..//spooles.v6/SPvec/src/init.c) this is exact error.

      Using R13 MPP double precision.

      Please help me.


    • Ushnish Basu
      Ansys Employee

      This shows an internal error in LS-DYNA. Please use a more recent version, e.g. R15, which was released recently.

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