3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

nonlinear spring simulation

    • Noura Mansour

      what about these errors ?
      i tried to solve the unconverges error

    • Noura Mansour

    • Noura Mansour

    • peteroznewman

      There are no errors.  You are showing a warning that can be ignored. To remove the warning, upgrade your computer with more RAM and replace the HDD with a SSD.

      • Noura Mansour

        what about force convergence plot

    • peteroznewman

      Convergence plot looks very good.  You have a fully converged solution.

      • Noura Mansour

        does tha force convergence must be less than force criterion ?
        and can i know more about the bisections

    • peteroznewman

      Read this discussion and come back if you have more questions.


      • Noura Mansour
    • Noura Mansour

    • peteroznewman

      Because the self contact is Far Open, the contact is ignored and you are not getting the result you want. Change the Pinball Radius so that the Initial Contact is Near Open and solve.

      • Noura Mansour

        Approximately how much do I take the value of pinball Radius?

    • peteroznewman

      Any number that changes the status from Far to Near.

      Please Edit your previous post and delete the hundreds of lines of solution output. I am tired of scrolling past that. No one needs to read anything there.

    • Noura Mansour

      sorry for this i deleted it ..
      i tried to make the radius to be 2 mm but the error of contact still occurs ,, i tried another method by changing the normal stiffness to 0,2 and detection method to nodal normal to tangent and the error of contact doesn't appear . 
      but i want to ask another question about this warning and info and the HDST element under solution information

    • peteroznewman

      What type of material is this spring made from?  What material model is used in Engineering Data to represent that material?

      One change that can help highly distorted elements is to set the minimum number of substeps to a large number. This may require that the initial number of substeps is also a large number. The maximum number of substeps should be 10 times larger.

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