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Multiphase shear stress

    • Simon Lejon

      I am trying to simulate a rotating vial partially filled with water. The goal is to calculate the shear stress in the water. Althought I can calculate the shear stress of the 'mixture' (because of multiphase), I am struggeling with calculating the shear stress in the water (not in the air). Can someone give me some advice? 

      Thanks in advance!

    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      You can create an iso-surface to mark the interface between the water and air. This allows you to focus on the water phase and calculate the shear stress accordingly.

      Hope this helps you.

    • Simon Lejon


      Thank you for the respons but I still can't select the water-phase when calculating the (wall) shear stress. I can only select 'mixture' when selecting 'max' -> 'wall shear stress'. 

      Thanks in advance. 

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