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License Error

    • Penelope Torres
      I installed the new version of Ansys 2024 and uninstalled my old version. I am mainly using Chemkin and Ansys Fluent. When I run Chemkin models I get an immediate error, this being a licensing error. I uninstalled again and made sure I wiped all the ansys files and installed them again. I will also attach a screenshot of my chemkin output file that includes the FlexNet Licensing error:-5,357. I need to urgently solve this issue. Thank you.
    • Mrunali Barde
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Penelope, 

      As you have reinstalled a new setup the license preference setting was reset to the default. 

      Once you launch Ansys Licensing Setting as administrator, go to HPC priority and set it as the availability of licenses. 

      With that can you please confirm if you have a valid Ansys HPC?

      I hope this helps, 

      • Penelope Torres

        Hi Mrunali, 

        This is what my screen looks like in the HPC priority. And once I try to set a server license on the FlexNet Publisher License Server tab, I get a message saying "Could not set flexNet servers".

    • Mrunali Barde
      Ansys Employee

      Hello P, 

      Can you please reopen this tool as administrator and then add server details?

      • Penelope Torres

        Just did that. I continue getting the same Chemkin license error.

    • Mrunali Barde
      Ansys Employee

      Can you go to 'C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing' then open 'ansyslmd.ini' file and check if the sever details are correct in that file?


      1055= default port number unless specified otherwise.

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