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Warning: reading 20 partition grid onto 15 compute node machine

    • Lenicker Bezerra de Lima


      I'm initializing the Ansys Fluent and getting this Warning: "reading 20 partition grid onto 15 compute node machine; will auto partition". I'm just trying to understand what that means and if I need to solve, because I see I can still run my simulations with this warning and how do I solve it? 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You previously ran the model on 20 cores/nodes in parallel. The current Fluent session is 15 cores/nodes, so the solver needs to redistribute the mesh to the different number of cores. It's a warning, but to solve it you'd need to open the case on 20 cores. 

    • Lenicker Bezerra de Lima

      Thank you, I got it now! 

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