General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Regarding radius/thickness ratio

    • deepesh.p.gurdasani

      An error comes like 'Element (element number) has a radius/thickness ratio of (some no.). This violates assemption of shell element.' I tried changing the mesh but still same error pops up and the solution stops.

      Can anyone guide how to get this error removed/resolved ? 

      Thanks in advance

    • Aniket
      Forum Moderator

      Can you repost your query again? It seems blank currently.


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    • deepesh.p.gurdasani

      I have edited the query again and also replying it here:

      An error comes like 'Element (element number) has a radius/thickness ratio of (some no.). This violates assemption of shell element.' I tried changing the mesh but still same error pops up and the solution stops.

      Can anyone guide how to get this error removed/resolved ? 

      Thanks in advance

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator
    • deepesh.p.gurdasani

      Tried using different mesh size but still the same error.

      • Aniket
        Forum Moderator


        To expand on what Gary and Ashish have said:

        The issue is happening due to the Warping of the shell elements and coming due to inadequately defined mesh, there are multiple ways to overcome this


        1. Use linear mesh
        2. Refine the mesh in the region where reported warping is high
        3. Use a SOLVE,,,,,NOCHECK command to ignore the error (last resort)


        To know about the issue please refer to this link


        Forum Rules & Guidelines



    • Gary Stofan
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Deepesh

       Try adjusting the Thickness in the Surface body details. 
       Also, can you show an image of your model?

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