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How do I set the Motion Calculation method in Ansys Aqwa?

    • Nurhalim Dwi Putra

      hi everybody,

      I want to ask about several analytical methods used in calculating ship motion. I am a user of the Ansys AQWA program. and I didn't find any settings to change the analysis method in the Hydrodynamic Diffraction "analysis settings" menu. I also haven't found it in the ANSYS manual.

      My main question is, is the Ansys method for calculating motion (RAO) the same as other software? does ansys also use strip theory methods such as maxsurf and orcaflex

      Thank You

    • Mike Pettit
      Ansys Employee


      Aqwa uses a 3D panel method with source distribution approach, plus an optional correction for small forward speed. The panel method is more general than strip theory, as the latter assumes the structure is slender, so it is no good for e.g. floating platforms. There is no option to use strip theory in Aqwa.


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