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Simulating line faults in Ansys Maxwell

    • Karen G

      Hi I followed a previous post about construcing line fault conditions in Ansys Maxwell using the external circuit. I continue to get the error:


      The full schematic is as follows:

      Does anyone have some ideas?

    • Ivonne Marti
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Karen,

      The error is pointing to the Voltmeter IV1 and the switch control Model1, looks like one is Positive and the other is OFF.

      Please carefully check the setup of these components. I would suggest checking the characteristics of each one, to do this in the Properties window of each component you can find a direct link to Help.

      Note: check also the component IV2 because probably you have the same setting mistake.


    • Karen G


      Thank you for the respone. I have checked all the voltmeters and I can confirm that they are active. I continue to get the same error.




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