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How does Ansys Fluent calculate the total heat flux on a wall surface?

    • Melanie Marufke


      I'm trying to unterstand how Ansys Fluent calculates the heat flux / total heat ransfer rate on a wall surface.

      I'm analysing an external flow (air) around a wall with constant temperature as the boundary condition. My target value is the heat flux that the wall transmits to the environment. My wall is just an enclosure around void and no solid body.

      In the theory guide (26.1. Fluxes Through Boundaries (ansys.com)) I found the sentence "The conduction heat transfer on a constant-temperature wall face would be the product of the thermal conductivity with the dot product of the area projection and the temperature gradient." Is this also applicable for external fluid flow or only for conduction in a solid body?

      When I got it right, the definition of a wall boundary condition is that there can't exist any convective flows. So I assume that Ansys Fluent does the exact thing statet in the theory guide, but I'm not a 100 % sure and would like to hear your thoughts. ????

      Thanks for any help.


      Kind regards,



    • Essence
      Ansys Employee


      Conduction heat transfer in Fluent is applicable for fluids as well as solids. 

    • Melanie Marufke
      Thanks for your reply
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