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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Heat source in 2d solid Reply To: Heat source in 2d solid

Jose Amigo

Hi, just adding some comments to complement my previous post.

If I try to add the same 500 W on the right boundary, instead of having them through a volumetric heat source, I also get a very small heating rate.

I understand Fluent is doing the following on the right boundary:

Qheat = K*dT/dx  [W/m2]

Since the thermal conductivity of my material is high, the change in temperature ends up being very small. However, is there a way to make this heat input (Qheat) consistent with the first equation I posted? This is, the transient evolution of the average temperature of the solid, which is not dependent on the thermal conductivity:

rho*Cp*Vol*dT/dt = Qheat [W]
