Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids De Laval Nozzle Cold Spray Outlet Temperature Reply To: De Laval Nozzle Cold Spray Outlet Temperature


Also, here you have more information of the setup:
- Axisymmetrical Geometry 
- Density-based solver
- Transient

- k-omega standard method
- Cell zone condition (surface-body): nitrogen (ideal gas/ Cp polytropic/ TC polytropic/ viscosity sutherland)
- inlet-pressure: 3.5MPa and temperature: 750K
- outlet-pressure: 0.1 MPa and temperature: 300K
- wall: no heat flux, no slip
- Solution methods: Implicit/ Roe FDS/ Least Squared Cells Bases/ 2nd order/ 2nd order/ 2nd order

This is the result for temperature, 

Its hybrid initialization, after that, al the CV is with the inlet temperature, if i try with standard initialization with 300K as temperature it doesn't converge. 

If you have any suggestions, corrections, and comments would help me a lot. 
Best regards, 