Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Electronics How to start with EMI simulation on EDB file generated from Altium Designer Reply To: How to start with EMI simulation on EDB file generated from Altium Designer

Faezeh Ladani
Ansys Employee

Hi Bhawya, 

We have a few Open Examples in HFSS about EMI/EMC which you can explore and learn how to set up your model. You can access them from File>Open Examples...>HFSS>EMI EMC

In thos examples you see how to set up for EMI EMC in HFSS. You need to first import your EDB into electronic desktop which creates an HFSS 3D layout design for you. You can then Setup an HFSS solution Setup, and export it to HFSS MCAD. And then move on with EMI setups based on your design etc... 


If you have no prior experience to HFSS, then you need to take your time and go through some training for basics of how to set up a simulation in HFSS and HFSS 3D Layout. There are examples and documents on online help. You can also search on Ansys How To youtube channel and see some video tuorials about HFSS simulations... We also have focused training material on Ansys Learning Hub(ALH) which you can use if you have access.