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General Mechanical

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Scripting Constraint Equations in Workbench

    • Andrew Weber



      I am attempting to add and define contraint equations in a static structural simulation in Mechanical Workbench. I would like to do this using the Workbench scripting language, however I have been unable to determine how to edit the equations. I need to create many equations, so manually selecting the remote points and DOF is not a valid option for me. I understand how to define the equations in APDL, however I am strictly interested in doing it with Workbench scripting methods. Is there a method to edit these equations in Workbench scripting? Any advice is appreciated.


    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      If you have a commercial mechanical ent. with TECS support, please create a support request and we will be happy to help you with this.

      Thank you


      • Andrew Weber

        I do not have a commercial license. I primarily use the student version, so I do not have an account number to access the support outside of the learning forum.

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