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Coupling two fluent solvers

    • Selawe97


      I want to couple two fluent solvers where (Heat Flux and Temperature are the data that need to be transfered between two

      domains) as in the image, the BC of domain 2 is the outflux from domain 1, and the updated temperature of domain 2 is the BC of domain 1.

      The problem is workbench dose not support coupling of two fluent solvers through system coupling, so what can i do in this case. any suggestion of guidance is appreciated. 


    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee


      You can export the files needed for SC analyses and couple them in standalone system coupling application. Please refer to tutorial guide here: System Coupling Tutorials (ansys.com)

      Hope this helps!


      • Selawe97

        Thanks for your response, can you just please clearify the point of Setting the environment variable ANSYS_SC_ALPHA_FEATURES=1. how can i do that. also what do you mean by exporting the files needed for SC analyses and couple them in standalone system coupling application.

        Thanks for help

      • Selawe97

        Hello , I followed the instructions. and i was capable to couple two fluent solvers in WB, but when i run the the coupled system i got the following error as in the attached image. can you please advice!

    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee


      The following files, found in the Fluent run directory (FFF/Fluent under a Workbench design point directory), may prove useful in troubleshooting coupled analysis problems:

      ·       cortexerror.log: This file contains a historical summary of all the errors that have occurred during all runs executed in the same run directory. Ensure that you are considering messages corresponding to the most recent run. An example message is: "Update-Dynamic-Mesh failed. Negative cell volume detected." This indicates that at the date and time noted, the mesh unexpectedly failed.

      ·       solution 1.log: This file includes information regarding the Fluent boundary conditions at which data from System Couplings was/is used. This file is never appended, and so it only contains information from the current run.

      ·       solution.trn (or other transcript file): This file contains a complete summary of the current/latest run's evolution. This is one of the most useful files to determine why the coupled analysis failed.

      Check which participant is failed and then rectify the issue.

      Before coupling participant ensure that they run fine without coupling. 

    • Selawe97

      I ran each solver alone before coupling them. And they both work fine. 

      when i navigated to the folder in run directory i got this 

      and what written in the error files is as follow:


      Error [node 3] [time 1/18/24 10:47:22] Abnormal Exit!
      Error [node 3] [time 1/18/24 10:50:59] Abnormal Exit!


      Error [node 999999] [time 1/18/24 13:59:38] Abnormal Exit!
      Node 999999 Fatal signal raised sig = Segmentation fault
       c7e27f70 CX_Primitive_Error
       ba8a0cc0 seh_filter_exe
       c7ec2b80 logical_right_shift
       b764f6a0 _C_specific_handler
       bd152290 _chkstk
       bd101030 RtlRaiseException
       bd150e90 KiUserExceptionDispatcher
       c67c5c60 Get_Particle_Data_Write_Initialized
       c7eae2a0 eval
       c7eae2a0 eval
       c7eae2a0 eval
       c7eae2a0 eval
       c7eaf900 set_cc
       c7eb0050 eval_errprotect
       c7eae2a0 eval
       c7eae2a0 eval
       c7eae2a0 eval
       c7eae2a0 eval
       c7eaf900 set_cc
       c7eb0050 eval_errprotect
       c7e28e80 CX_Interpret_String
       c55269a0 rpgetvar_errprotect
       c7ec2b80 logical_right_shift
       bc0d7330 BaseThreadInitThunk
       bd102690 RtlUserThreadStart
      Error [node 999999] [time 1/18/24 14:1:56] Abnormal Exit!


      what could be the reason of these errors?


    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee

      I see that you are using v201. Please use latest available version.

      • Selawe97


        i tried to use newer version. but i still facing the same issue! 

        it introduce an error in one solver. Error [node 999999] [time 1/22/24 18:34:8] Abnormal Exit!.

         though when i try to run the solver alone it works!

        is there something else i should try for?


      • Selawe97

        i also found this in solution.trn file 

        SC Fluent encountered fatal error. Saving case/data file....Fast-loading "C:\Users\DELL\DOCUME~1\ANSYSP~1\INSTAL~1\ANSYSI~1\v231\fluent\fluent23.1.0\\addons\afd\lib\hdfio.bin"
        ===============Message from the Cortex Process================================
        Compute processes interrupted. Processing can be resumed.
        Error at Node 1: %get-shell-zone-info: uninitialized grid
        Error at Node 0: %get-shell-zone-info: uninitialized grid


    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee



      You can try running it in standalone System coupling GUI. Please refer following tutorial: Reed Valve FSI Co-Simulation with Partial Setup Export from Workbench (Fluent-Mechanical) (ansys.com). It explains the setup in WB and exporting the data from WB to run in standalone SyC GUI.

      To run this case you’ll need two fluent licences. Do you have two fluent licenses?


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