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Surface reaction’s enthalpy change

    • skimura


      I want calcurate effect of radical recombination for flame on near wall.

      I have Gas and Surface detailed reaction mechanism in Chemkin format and enthalpy change data related surface reaction.

      However I don't know how to include enthalpy change related surface reaction in my calculations.

      I use Fluent. Which phase do I input enthalpy changes in Chemkin format or Fluent setting?.




    • Swathi V. V.
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Shin,


      While importing chemkin file, you can find an option to read thrmodynamic file. This file contains the information of the molar enthalpy for each species involved in the reaction. Surface Kinetic input file( for surface reaction) will also contain thermodynamic data. The mixture enthalpy is computed by the solver internally. Please go through the following user manual section for more information.

      Chapter 4: Surface Kinetics Input (ansys.com)

      4.4. Thermodynamic Data (ansys.com)


    • skimura

      Thank you for reply,

      I know thermodynamic data contain enthalpy for each species.

      My question was bad.

      I hold data is each reaction enthalpy change for example below indicated.

      I want these data input for each reactions.

      P Aghalayam, P-A Bui & D G Vlachos (1998) The role of radical wall
      quenching in flame stability and wall heat flux: hydrogen-air mixtures, Combustion Theory and
      Modelling, 2:4, 515-530, DOI: 10.1088/1364-7830/2/4/010

    • skimura

      I am still expecting your response regarding this question.

      I want to know how to put enthalpies of reactions into the reaction mechanism as enthalpies of chemical species.

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