Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids VOF – Lee evaporation/condensation Reply To: VOF – Lee evaporation/condensation



Thanks for responding immediately. I tried the solution but it does not work and I realised what is happening and why I get the error. 

Without considering UDF, In Lee model to implement the varying values of Tsat and latent heat for mass transfer rate and energy source term we either use the tabular format of PTL-sat table option from fluent or the FLUENT uses the values of sensible enthalpy in gas phase properties to set the latent heat of evaporation. However, when I use UDF, FLUENT does not have the way to use PTL table because it is not an option and so it goes to use formation enthalpy (i.e. standard state enthalpy) from FLUENT material properties for latent heat instead of using the Latent heat values from my UDF.  

I can see that fluent ignores the values of latent heat from my udf and goes to material properties to calculate latent heat, but I am not sure how to rectify this issue. Is there a way in FLUENT for me to impose the values of Latent heat when using UDF for mass transfer mechanism? 

Thanks in advance