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Chieh Tsao


Hi Dimitris,

Thanks for the reply!

I think I should attach my script. This is the script I used (Nonlinear and gain methodology – Ansys Optics)


# disable CW norm
# get poynting vector from monitor.  
Poynting = getresult("monitor","P");
# integrate real Pz to get power.  Assume this monitor is 2D, in the XY plane
# This quantity will have units of Watts/Hz^2 due to the use of the nonorm state
Trans = 0.5 * integrate(real(Poynting.Pz),1:2,Poynting.x,Poynting.y);
# package data into dataset
T = matrixdataset("T"); # initialize dataset
T.addparameter("lambda",c/Poynting.f,"f",Poynting.f); # add frequency parameter
T.addattribute("T",Trans);  # add transmission attribute
# optionally, visualize data

Since I am doing nonlinear simulation, it seems that cwnorm doesn't make sense in this case.

In your script, do you get cwnorm data?