Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Why Negative Moment – Wind Turbine – & Residuals Reply To: Why Negative Moment – Wind Turbine – & Residuals

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I've not modelled any full scale VAWTS, but do work with some of the clients who do. Aerodynamics is more often linked to meshing, so I leave it to colleagues. But with a few years of modelling "stuff" they're not too complex. 

Ideally you want to drop the residual below 1e-3 for continuity. Assuming the mesh is good then generally that means reducing the timestep. 

OK, so you're summing the moment on all (6?) faces of all blades. I assume you checked for any area/vector definitions in the moment panel? How is the motion defined? Ie is speed purely a function of the sum of the blade moments?Â