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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics Plane wave and Bloch boundary conditions in slab waveguide Reply To: Plane wave and Bloch boundary conditions in slab waveguide

Amrita Pati
Ansys Employee

Hi Erik,

Sorry about this, I did discuss your simulation with my colleague a few days back, but I didn't have time to test these suggestions myself so, I hadn't posted my reply. 

In our opinion, the results for example the transmisson spectrum should't change from 0 to 85 deg, as the slab is infinite along the y-direction. So, in our opinion you should change the orientation of the structure and perform a single 2D simulation. The infinite direction "y" should now be along the "z"-direction. 

But we also think that it would be interesting to do 3D simulation as well, and the results should be identical or very close in our opinion. For a 3D simulation we would also ask you to inject a mode source. Then in mode slection choose "user select" followed by "Select mode". The eigenmode solver will pop-up. Then go to its boundary conditions tab, override the default boundaries and change the y boundary to Bloch.

Let me know if you have questions.
