Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

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D-ring sealing simulate by Workbench 2023 R2 STUDENT

    • Chen Yi

      When I simulate D-ring sealing by Workbench 2023 R2 STUDENT, if D-ring’s semicircular section is a whole, I can simulate successfully, then I try add fluid pressure, I put  D-ring’s semicircular section into two sections, then I can’t simulate successfully (At this point I haven't added fluid pressure),it report “The value of UY at node 2110 is 3.782790102E+10.  It is greater than the current limit of 1000000 (which can be reset on the NCNV command). This generally indicates rigid body motion as a result of an unconstrained model.  Verify that your model is properly constrained.” How can I solve it, thank you.

    • peteroznewman

      Is the contact between the shaft and D-ring Frictional?  What is the Coefficient of Friction used?

      Try moving the Shaft geometry up so that the bottom of the D-ring is touching the side face of the groove in the shaft.

      What are your time step settings?

      • Chen Yi

        Yes, the contact between the shaft and D-ring is frictional, the coefficient is 0.05;try moving the shaft?I think this is not necessary,when the semicircular section is one section ,then it can  simulate successfully.but I put  D-ring’s semicircular section into two sections, then I can’t simulate successfully. step1 is 20,5,100;step2 is 100,100,1000;step3 is 100,50,1000.That's all.Thank you.

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