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Help with static simulation

    • salocin155

      Hi, first of all sorry for my bad english its not my mother language, would like to see if someone can check if my boundary conditions have been right apllied at my model, its a bar with a hole this hole is fixed with a bolt on a lever arm in this simulation i want to test my bar to see if it wont break with the load.

      will atach my simulation and the lever arm image to make it more clear.

      boundary on the hole compression

      force gravity


      full lever arm system

    • Sandeep Medikonda
      Ansys Employee

      What is the stress-strain response of the material? That observed stress response looks quite small and your model should hold.

      Refer to this discussion.

      Discussion 2

      Discussion 3

      Best Practices on the Student Community

    • salocin155

      Material is steel, would compression only be the right boundarie for this situation ?

    • peteroznewman


      Compression only is a good boundary condition for the hole in the rod with the tension created by gravity.

      In addition to the references Sandeep provided, I would add one additional link, and that is to a Mesh Refinement Study. The mesh you show is coarse and as you use smaller elements around the region of maximum stress, the value of stress will go up slightly. However, the stress you show is very low compared with the strength of steel, so you might not bother in this case.

      For a rod with a hole in it, you could replace the block and gravity with a force on the end of the rod. That will solve more quickly because you won't have all the elements in the block that are just there to produce weight.


    • salocin155
      Ty vm Peter will give a look to the references and replace the block with the force.
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