

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

dynamic mesh simulation

    • gowthamdada

      while running dynamic mesh simulation i got this error?

         i can see the preview mesh motion at more time steps like 0.001s (30time step) but while running calculation it will not go after 10th time step. What will be the error?

       VOF method

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee


      What is mesh quality before you start your simulation? Please check quality in Fluent. 

      What are your dynamic mesh settings? Which models you are using?

      If possible, insert some images as well to explain problem in detail. 



    • gowthamdada

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee


      Mesh quality looks ok. 

      Is it hex mesh?

      Can insert image of mesh scale info in remeshing panel? 

      Are you using any udf?

      Please check following video which may help you. 




    • gowthamdada

      using 6-dof udf, mass, ixx, iyy, izz, zero trans x -true, other all false.


    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee


      In Remeshing, please use min length scale as 0.0001 and max len scale as 0.015.

      In smothing, please use 100 iteraions and use All for elements. 

      Why do you have separate cell zones? 
      If this does not solve your issue, then we will need to see dynamic mesh zones. 




    • gowthamdada

      Again below error came. but now i can simulate at second time step.

      WARNING: 1227 cells with non-positive volume detected.

      Error at host: Update-Dynamic-Mesh failed. Negative cell volume detected

      Error at Node 0: Update-Dynamic-Mesh failed. Negative cell volume detected.

      Error at Node 1: Update-Dynamic-Mesh failed. Negative cell volume detected.


      Error: Update-Dynamic-Mesh failed. Negative cell volume detected.

      Error Object: #f


      "Why do you have separate cell zones?"   i don't aware of this. mesh file send by senior 




    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee


      Can you please insert image of your dynamic mesh zone settings. 




    • gowthamdada

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      It looks ok. What is symmetry zone?

      Is it 2d o r3d?


    • gowthamdada

      2d only.

      blue one - symmetry outer domain

      red one - symmetry inner domain

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      Sorry its not clear to me about symmetry zones. Please explain your boundary zone names and their position in detail. 

      Also which models you are using?


    • gowthamdada

      here i attach my file. please find that

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee


      As ANSYS employee, we can not download attachments. So please explain with inserting images. I know it will take some time, but we have to go with legal directions given to us. 

      Best practices to fully leverage the ANSYS Academic Community:


      • Be efficient - As our community grows it is becoming more likely that you are not the first to ask this question. Please search before creating a new post.

      • Be clear - Provide supporting screenshots, error messages, and background information. No simulation files will be opened by ANSYS support engineers.

      • Be precise  - Please use the right tags to help our engineers find your question.

      • Be patient - Please allow three days for someone to get back to you, if you have an urgent question, please email your ANSYS Account Manager.

      • Be helpful - Please help our community grow by answering other's questions and telling your academic colleagues about this resource.

      Thank you for your patience.




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