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Error in get geometry in statics structural, How to get rid of this

    • oe23d008

    • Gary_S
      Ansys Employee

      This is a brief procedure assuming you have a .mechdb that is intact.


        Sometimes  re-importing the mechdb/mechdat can resolve these issues.  


        In your project folder, there should be a SYS.mechdb file for each Analysis object that was on the schematic.


        - Make a copy of SYS.mechdb to another folder,

       -  Rename the copy to SYS.mechdat


      Once you have copied these out, create a new Project..

       From Windows Explorer, drag the .mechdat files into the Schematic

      Save the project to a new name when you are done.


      Let me know if this gets you going.

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      Try the following:
      Make sure no Ansys programs are running
      Go to :
      (This should take you to a directory: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\)
      You should see a directory named: Ansys
      rename that directory to: Ansys.old
      Now try to run.


      Ashish Kumar

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