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The preesure on the floating structure in Hydrodynamic response

    • yu wen hung

      When I completed the frequency domain analysis calculations in Aqwa Diffraction and tried to import the results into the Hydrodynamic Response, I intended to calculate the water pressure below the water surface generated by the waves acting on the structure. However, after the system's calculations, I encountered the following error message. I would like to ask if anyone has a solution to this problem. Thank you.
      An internal error has occured while retrieving Time Domain Pressures results.Contact Ansys support.

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      Are you still facing this issue?


      Ashish Kumar

      • yu wen hung

        yeah I still need to solve this issue.Do you have suggestion? Thank you.

    • Mike Pettit
      Ansys Employee
      Hello, Are you able to provide more specific information about your project, including screenshots of the hydrodynamic model and details of the time domain Analysis Settings? Are there any features in your model apart from the structure (e.g. Cables, Fenders, etc)? Mike
      • yu wen hung

        The hydrodynamic model is including a floating platform with the tower,the mooring system. The water depth is about 200 meters. The time domain Analysis type in the first module is irregular wave response with slow drift. The time is from 0~1800 and the time step is 0.1 s.
        The second module is to calculate the under water pressure which analysis type is irregular wave response.
        By the way, i don not know why I cannot upload the photo here. :( 

        • Mike Pettit
          Ansys Employee

          Did you get any other error messages in the Aqwa Workbench editor? Are the Time Domain Pressures accessible if you change the Analysis Type of the first time domain analysis to Irregular Wave Response?

        • yu wen hung

          I tried to change the type to the irregular wave response.Finally,when the software completed the case,ut happen the unspecified error which shows me 'An internal error has occured while retrieving Time Domain Pressures results.Contact Ansys support.'

        • Mike Pettit
          Ansys Employee

          Are you able to add other results (Time Domain Statistics, Animation, graph results) without any problems?

          I’m not able to recreate the problem on my side, so I wonder if you may have a program running in the background (anti-virus, auto backup) which is blocking access to the time domain pressures PRS file?



        • yu wen hung

          another result can show normally.I think there is no any program running in the backgroud cause another results are ok, just the hydrodynamic preesure has this problem.
          Could we discus the issue by email?
          I have bought the ansys software but I cannot use ansys support to solve the problem


        • Mike Pettit
          Ansys Employee

          Hello, I'm afraid I can't provide direct support by email if you do not have support included in your license. Are you able to get Time Domain Pressures results in any other projects? For example, a simple test project?

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