Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Maybe try fixing it? Or post what you're seeing for a more useful response. 


        Thanks for your response, I complete the Geometry and Mesh parts but when I go to the Setup I have this error message. Do you have you any idea how can I fix this ?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      That could be a problem with the mesh, or a problem with Fluent launching. 

      If you drag a Fluent solver (workflow without geometry & mesh) can you edit the Setup cell? We're not trying to read any mesh etc, but to see if Fluent can launch. If it can you need to review the mesh. If you can't I'll nudge colleagues who understand computers - I just break them. 


        If I open the ANSYS FLUENT and go straight to Setup the window opens without any problem.

        The thing is that because I am now learning to work the program, I follow some tutorials and do exactly the same meshing steps.
        I should say here that I am using the STUDENT VERSION of ANSYS FLUENT, I don't know if that plays a role.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      OK, that's good. Does the mesh have a green tick next to it on the workflow that failed? Please can you post an image of the mesh?

      The Student version is pretty much identical to the full code, you have limits on cell count and some solver functions are omitted but that's about it. 


        I tried again, i did the geometry and the mesh steps and then I click to the setup step and for first time it oppened it without any problems, the geometry loaded correctly. Then I did again from the beginning the same geometry and mesh but before I go to the setup I saved the project in a folder. Then I went to edit the setup and I had the error message that I have posted above. All the times I had this error message I had saved my project before I go to the setup and I'm starting  thinking that  I'm doing something wrong with the way I save the project. 
        Do you have any advice on how or where to save my project?
        Since you asked me yes it comes out green tick next to the mesh before I go to setup.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      What's the full path of the project & filename that you're saving to? 


      I create a folder ( name ANSYS) in Desktop and I give the name pipe ih the porject I save. 


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Please can you post the full path? Ie c:/whatever....  



      Do you think that it has to do with the greek word that there is in the middle ? The problem is that o followed the path and i went like this 

      I did the project again, I opened the setup and then I tried to save it and I had this error message. I think that the problem is with saving.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Yes, it's the Greek part. The software is fine with the "normal" characters but struggles when nonEnglish and symbols are used. Try:


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