LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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Scripting Command Language LsPrePost – Python

    • Stefano Del Rosso


      I would like to create some parametric models in LsPrePost using Python. I have seen some examples on 

      However, I cannot find any documentation for the modules (DataCenter, LsPrePost), help, and how to start creating my models.

      If you could please help me with finding more resources to achieve my goal. I'd appreciate.

      Thank you.

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee

      This might be of some help:


    • Stefano Del Rosso

      Hi Erik,

      I have seen that link (I have actually posted in my first message). But not many information in there.

      I would like to have more information about those modules, and more about python scripting with LSPREPOST.

      Thank you.

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